Change AdminServer Port Using WLST.SH

Sometimes AdminServer not working Regarding to Wrong configuration or using Wrong Port which mean No Console will be available so is this mean delete domain and Configure it again !!!

Absolutely  Not  When you install Weblogic any Version Oracle Provide you with Command Line Utility to administrate weblogic, what you can do it using Console can be done with this tool.

change to weblogic-directory/common/bin

Now follow the below Steps to change port :

wls:/offline> readDomain (‘/u01/app/fmw/domains/IDDomains’)
wls:/offline/IDDomains> cd (‘Server’)
wls:/offline/IDDomains/Server> ls ()

Choose your Server Here

wls:/offline/IDDomains/Server> cd (‘AdminServer’)
wls:/offline/IDDomains/Server/AdminServer> ls ()

Search for Old Port ListenPort 

wls:/offline/IDDomains/Server/AdminServer> set (‘ListenPort’,New Port)
wls:/offline/IDDomains/Server/AdminServer> updateDomain ()
wls:/offline/IDDomains/Server/AdminServer> exit () 

Done you can now Test your new port

Thank you
Osama Mustafa 

ODI-1545: Missing odi supervisor credentials in credential store map

This Error appear because missing SuperVisor User Credentials, and you need to create it using command, And Since we are working On Oracle_ODI So you have to use from there.

cd /u01/app/fmw/Oracle_ODI1/common/bin

and do the below

Jython scans all the jar files it can find at first startup. Depending on the system, this process may take a few minutes to complete, and WLST may not return a prompt right away.

Welcome to WebLogic Server Administration Scripting Shell

Type help() for help on available commands

wls:/offline> connect (‘weblogic’,’welcome1′,’t3://localhost:7001′)

 Connecting to t3:// with userid weblogic …
Successfully connected to Admin Server ‘AdminServer’ that belongs to domain ‘IDDomains’.

Warning: An insecure protocol was used to connect to the
server. To ensure on-the-wire security, the SSL port or
Admin port should be used instead.

wls:/IDDomains/serverConfig> createCred(map=”oracle.odi.credmap”, key=”SUPERVISOR”, user=”SUPERVISOR”, password=”sysadmin1″, desc=”Key for Supervisor”)
Location changed to domainRuntime tree. This is a read-only tree with DomainMBean as the root.
For more help, use help(domainRuntime)

wls:/IDDomains/serverConfig> createCred(map=”oracle.odi.credmap”, key=”odi11g”, user=”weblogic”, password=”welcome1″, desc=”WLS SUPERVISOR Credential”)

wls:/IDDomains/serverConfig> disconnect()
Disconnected from weblogic server: AdminServer
wls:/offline> exit()

The Red Line for to define 3 command you will use.

Some Link :
1- How To Configure The ODI JavaEE Agent and ODI Console On WebLogic Server (Doc ID 1300550.1)
2- Working with ODI Here

Thank you
Osama Mustafa

API5036: Client version is not compatible with repository version

To Solve this error Follow the below Steps :

  • Edit /owb/bin/admin/
  • And set the following parameter :-
    • OverrideRepositoryVersionCheck=true
    • OverrideRuntimeVersionCheck=true
Thank you
Osama Mustafa

Install Oracle EDQ On Oracle Linux 6.4

In This Document I will Show you How to install Oracle Enterprise Data Quality On Oracle Linux 6.4 Operating System.

In old Version Oracle EDQ was no available on Linux Only Windows Operating system as Setup File, But there’s always solution if you want it on Linux you need to use application server in our case weblogic to deploy EDQ on it , some pre requisites need to be done before you do this Please check Document

How To Install EDQ On Linux Using Oracle DB And Apache Tomcat (Doc ID 1462376.1)

Download Document Here

Thank you
Osama mustafa