Installing SIEBEL 15 on RAC took a lot of time

The Situation like the following when we was trying to install SIEBEL On RAC 12C its took 10 hours for importing 2 database which is usually takes 2 hours at max, storage was NFS , enabled DNFS for sure.

simulate the following case :-

  • On single node , 2 hours like usual.
  • On RAC 12c using DNFS file system 10 hours.
  • On RAC 12c using DNFS but single node of RAC took 10 hours.
  • On RAC 12c using local file system and single node 10 hours.
  • Install oracle 11gR2 RAC and try it again took 4 hours using ASM on DNFS.

Using SLOB didn’t see anything related to storage issue.

After investigation and a lot of working without tuning on 12c it’s took 1 Hour and 37 min.

The problem with two different way :-

  • Heartbeat not configured correctly.
  • SIEBEL Installation should not run with Index parallel option.

Create new swap file to Linux

to add new swap file to Linux just follow the below steps , in my case i will add 32GB and i am not using LVM :-

  • just create file by the below command :-
    • touch /new.swap
  • Write on the file :-
    •  dd if=/dev/zero of=/new.swap bs=1024 count=33554432
  • Format the file :-
    • mkswap /new.swap
  • Add the file to the system as a swap file.
    • swapon /new.swap
  • finally add it to fstab :-
    • /new.swap none swap sw 0 0

Direct NFS: please check that oradism is setuid

The above error appeared in Database Alertlog  and it’s related to permission, i am using DNFS as file system for Database :-

 ls -ltr  $ORACLE_HOME/bin/oradism

-rwxrwxr-x 1 sorabill oinstall 109247 Jul  7  2014 /u01/app/oracle/product/12.1.0/dbhome_1//bin/oradism

as you see from the above the permission for this file is wrong 
  • Change to root user
  • Run the following command :-
    • cd /u01/app/oracle/product/12.1.0/dbhome_1//bin
    • chmod 750 oradism
    • chmod u+s oradism
  • Restart DB.
Check again.

Change SCAN Listener from etc/host to DNS

Changing SCAN LISTENER from etc/hosts on Linux to use DNS which mean the from one IP to 3 IPs

The SCAN listener will remain the same without any change therefore like i mentioned before the these steps only provide changing for SCAN to use DNS.

“I Will not post any output”

the configuration for the IP should be added to DNS and to check this on OS level you should nslookup command :-

On node #1 run the below command to check the Listener status and see the current configuration:-

srvctl status scan
srvctl status scan_listener
srvctl config scan
srvctl config scan_listener

On node #2 run the below command to check the Listener status and see the current configuration:-

srvctl status scan
srvctl status scan_listener
srvctl config scan
srvctl config scan_listener

The output should be the same for both.

Stop all the listeners on your RAC as root :-

srvctl stop scan_listener
srvctl stop scan
srvctl status scan
srvctl status scan_listener

Remove or comment any entire in /etc/hosts after done stop the listener.

Let’s modify the scan :-

srvctl modify scan -n
srvctl modify scan_listener –u

Start listener :-

srvctl start scan
srvctl start scan_listener
srvctl status scan
srvctl status scan_listener


OTN Appreciation Day : Oracle WebLogic 12c #ThanksOTN

OTN Appreciation Day The idea came from Our Oracle ACE Director ( the Mind ) Tim Hall Here 

 OTN : Oracle Technology network  or let me say OTN gather all of us no matter where you live in this world ? only one thing gather us our love to OTN.

OTN done so much things to all of us, one of things i love and most of the people in the community know that is Fusion middleware and i will write about Oracle Weblogic 12cR2 the documentation available here 

Oracle Weblogic 12cR2 comes with different features such as the following:-

  • Multitenancy Support
  • Continuous Availability
  • Java EE 7 Support
  • JDK 8 Certification
  • Docker Certification
  • Runtime Improvements
  • Manageability Improvements
  • Documentation Update History for Release 12.2.1
  • Standards Support, Supported Configurations, and WebLogic Server Compatibility
  • Deprecated Functionality (WebLogic Server 12.2.1)
  • Removed Functionality and Components

If will talk about them all it will be documentation not blog post therefore i will choose 2 or 3 topics.

  • Docker Certification

Oracle WebLogic Server 12.2.1 is certified to run inside a Docker container. Docker is a Linux-based container technology that enables you to quickly create lightweight clustered and non-clustered WebLogic Server domain configurations on a single host OS or virtual machines, for either development or production environments.

you can have access to github here and how to Run Weblogic on Docker check here 

  • Multitenancy Support

Multitenancy in WebLogic Server provides a sharable infrastructure for use by multiple organizations. These organizations are a conceptual grouping of your own choosing, which you can think of as tenants. By allowing one domain to support multiple tenants, Weblogic Server Multitenant improves density and achieves a more efficient use of resources while eliminating the hurdles typically present when trying to share multiple applications: runtime cross-application impact, security differences, data co-mingling, and administrative challenges.

 WebLogic Server MT enables an end to end multitenant infrastructure, including multitenancy from the load balancer to the middle tier and cache tier, and to the database tier. WebLogic Server MT extends the Oracle WebLogic Server Enterprise Edition and Oracle WebLogic Suite products

Alot of different features.


Install Oracle EBS R12.2 StartCD 51 on RAC

this post is questionnaire more than a technical, EBS startCD 51 released before 1 month and it’s comes with different features such as DB 12c will be installed and it’s support RAC installation Features immediately which mean you don’t have to install EBS on Single node then convert to RAC.

Like the above pic, well everything done successfully for DB installation without any problem same as below :-

The installation is multi – node which mean Apps on different server, when trying to connect APPS to RAC DB each time the same error appered with no sense which is 
ORA-12514: TNS:listener does not currently know of service requested in connect descriptor
Be noted that the DB is reigster with SCAN and tnsping is working , and i can access DB using TOAD thru SCAN or Local Listener
Therefore after multi try of the installation and fix the error, i choose the old way which is Single node and covert to RAC and the funny thing it’s working without any issue.
If there is any idea about this error please comment below maybe i missed something 

Result: Clock synchronization check using Network Time Protocol(NTP) failed RAC

When trying to Run the Runcluvfy command to check RAC pre requsiites the NTP failed , but at the same time it’s gives you the solution to solve it  :-

in the following file :- /etc/sysconfig/ntpd open it and edit it, add the following :-

[root@prddb2 .ssh]# cat /etc/sysconfig/ntpd
# Drop root to id ‘ntp:ntp’ by default.
OPTIONS=”-x -u ntp:ntp -p /var/run/ -g”

Add the above letter in RED color only.


Skip DNS reslov.conf check during RAC configuration

Before start reading this post you should know that Oracle is highly recommended using DNS while configure Oracle RAC include to this it will make your life easier in case any one wants to change the IP’s.

However today i was working on EBS installation using startCD51 and this is allow me to install EBS directly on RAC but the customer database RAC not configured to use DNS so everytime i was trying to install EBS

The following Error shown up in my face :-

INFO: Verification Result for Node:RAC1,RAC2WARNING: Result values are not available for this verification taskINFO: *********************************************INFO: Task resolv.conf Integrity: This task checks consistency of file /etc/resolv.conf file across nodesINFO: Severity:CRITICALINFO: OverallStatus:OPERATION_FAILEDINFO: ———————————————–

and there is nothing i can do to skip this error,

i choose to do the following ;-

Rename resolv.conf to resolv.conf.old for example

and re run the installation again .

perfect worked for me


Maximum locked memory check Oracle

INFO: Maximum locked memory check: Check maximum locked memory setting on the system

To solve this issue just add the following to /etc/security/limits.conf

*                soft   memlock         unlimited
*               hard    memlock         unlimited

Thank you
Osama mustafa